Lowel Omni Tota Three-Light Kit rental nyc
Lowel Omni/Tota Three-Light Kit

The wide focusing range of the Lowel Omni-Light makes it a flexible key or back-light. Add diffusion or an umbrella, and it's a soft fill source. Swap the power cord & lamp and it becomes a battery powered, hand-held light. Available with a host of accessories and built for heavy duty long life, the popular Omni is the perfect companion to the Tota.
When fitted with an FTK 500 watt bulb (available separately), this fixture will emit a beam of 75 footcandles @ full flood, and 475 footcandles @ full spot, from a distance of 10' (3 m).
212.333.5100 | info@dvdepot.com
Compact, rugged and versatile, the broad throw Lowel Tota-light can be used with an umbrella or gel-frame and diffusion as a soft key, fill, or backlight. With its adjustable reflectors, it can be a smooth and even background light, or point it toward the ceiling to raise the ambient (base) light level of a room. Tota is also widely used for photographic copy work.
When fitted with an EMD 750 watt 120 volt bulb (available separately), the Tota-Light will emit a beam of 41 footcandles, with the barndoors @ normal position, and 34 footcandles with the barndoors @ 180° position, from a distance of 10' (3m).
212.333.5100 | info@dvdepot.com