Vocas MB-350 Mattebox rental nyc
Vocas MB-350 Mattebox
The Vocas MB-350 Mattebox is designed to be used as a clip-on for ENG/EFP cameras with a support for a maximum lens diameter of 105mm. It features a quick-lock mounting system that attaches directly to the front lens barrel. The mattebox can also be used with the MBS-100 mattebox support and a bars adaptor on standard 15mm rails.
Offering compatibility with wide angle lenses in 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios, the MB-350 Mattebox accepts an additional 4 x 5.65" filter that can be replaced by a 4:3 or 16:9 mask. In addition, it includes a standard internal eyebrow, a foldable top flag, and a French flag that allows the user to adjust the mattebox to the different positions of the lens.

212.333.5100 | info@dvdepot.com
212.333.5100 | info@dvdepot.com