Celebrating 20 Years with dvDepot
I can't believe it is my 20th Year of owning and operating dvDepot! I remember when I got it started like yesterday.
I want to thank all those that have helped me throughout the years from Family and Friends to Clients. Time just moves so fast and you have to keep changing with the times. For me that means offering newer or vintage gear to building out a studio and filling the needs of the networks. Either way I have come to realize that change is good and I am happy! Within this 20th year I plan on growing more by offering more gear like the Alex 35 camera packages and creating a drop off and pick up station in my courtyard along with the crew break area, fixing the keg for after work networking and maybe even a b-ball hoop who knows, you have to keep it fun! I am also looking forward to collaborate with an LA partner on some shows of my own. The point is, I have had quite a ride for this first 20 years and for those of you who know me personally, I am sure it doesn't look like I will be slowing down anytime soon! I look forward to the future and working with you!
